Suppliers, partners, neighbours and communities

Our work touches people far beyond our direct employees. How we impact our industry, suppliers, partners and communities matters. We can’t achieve our sustainability goals alone, and we are working with suppliers to address mutual social and environmental topics.

Our supply chain responsibilities

As taking responsibility for sustainability throughout the supply chain becomes increasingly important, we continuously improve and expand our supply chain engagement. Our EcoVadis Gold rating reflects our focus on our responsibilities towards suppliers and collaborations that continuously improve sustainable outcomes.

To ensure the integrity of our raw materials, we ask our suppliers to agree to a Code of Conduct. It's an agreement that covers core ethical and sustainable business principles. It includes freely chosen employment, a promise of living wages, ensuring non-discriminatory practices and guaranteeing safe working conditions. We regularly engage with our suppliers to address risks and opportunities together.

We use SEDEX and its Risk Assessment Tool Radar to help us identify and manage risk in our supply chain. Our SEDEX membership allows us to scrutinise responsible sourcing data and consistently elevate our supply chain standards to be industry-leading. Similarly, our group membership of AIM-PROGRESS holds us to account for raising standards in our value chain. It ensures that our organisation positively impacts people's lives and human rights.

Responding to new legislation

We are developing a programme to engage suppliers and partners on human rights and environmental issues to adapt to new requirements such as the German Supply Chain Due Diligence Act, the EU Corporate Sustainability Due Diligence Directive, and similar legislation worldwide. Our action includes analysing and risk-assessing our supply chain and monitoring suppliers and partners' social and environmental performance. It’s a first and vital step towards cooperatively improving potential negative impacts across our value chain.

The enzyme industry

AB Enzymes is a member of the Association of Manufacturers and Formulators of Enzyme Products (AMFEP) and is active in the Executive Committee. Among other objectives, AMFEP informs interested parties on the efficacy and safety aspects of enzyme products and shares information on the regulatory status of enzymes in the EU. Recent work has focused on the sustainability profile of enzymes, the contribution of enzymes in the food chain during the COVID-19 pandemic, and the suitability of enzymes for vegans and vegetarians.

Responsible neighbours

At our Roal Oy production facility in Rajamäki, Finland, we ensure we’re a good neighbour to the wider community by closely monitoring and regulating noise and odour.

Charities and communities

We regularly make financial donations to local and international charities. Many of these efforts are instigated and coordinated by our Women’s Business Forum, which has organised donations to support the education of women and girls in Afghanistan and donations through Men’s Health Week.